Find Meaning And Joy In Your Life Again In A Way That Honors Your Child Even Though They’re Gone

My 60 Day Sacred Grief System Helps You Let Go of Grief, Heal With Compassion, And Understand What’s Available To You In The Rest Of Your Life, So You Can Move Forward, With Your Child Still A Special Part Of You

Find Meaning And Joy In Your Life Again In A Way That Honors Your Child  

My 60 Day Sacred Grief System Helps You Let Go of Grief, Heal With Compassion, And Understand What’s Available To You In The Rest Of Your Life, So You Can Move Forward, With Your Child Still A Special Part Of You

Only someone who has lost a child themselves can ever come close
to understanding what you’re going through...

When you lose a child you find yourself part of a club that you never chose to join.

Well-meaning friends try to support you, but they can never imagine the pain you’re in, or how even the smallest task can feel like wading through molasses.

You’ve lost days, weeks, and months, feeling exhausted from the all-consuming agony of your grief, anger, and sadness, and some days you wonder whether you’ll ever feel normal again.
You wish that the outcome could have been different, even though you know logically that you did everything you possibly could.

And the realization that your family will never be the same again makes you feel paralyzed, with no idea how, or even if, you can ever move forward from where you are now. 

Yet now that some time has passed,

You’re starting to sense the tiniest glimmers of thinking that although your child isn’t here, you could perhaps be happier than you are right now.

Although there are still bad days, possibly more than you care to admit, you’ve worked hard to start to make peace with the loss of your child...but when you allow yourself to wonder what possibilities life could still hold for you, it feels like a betrayal, and you’re filled with confusion and guilt.

If you can relate to this, I want to reassure you that you’re not alone, and none of this is your fault.

Feeling this way is completely normal, and the journey of dealing with the loss of a child is uniquely one of taking small steps forward that to the outsider might look tiny, but to you feel huge.

It can feel scary acknowledging that a part of you wants to move forward because you’re not sure how to do it in a way that honors your child.

You wonder if it’s even possible to be so devastated AND also allow joy back into your life...

To transition beyond feeling stuck in this half-life you find yourself in and move through grief authentically and with compassion into something better...for yourself, your family, and the memory of your child.

The problem is that while counseling and talking therapies are excellent tools to help you on your journey, they can only take you so far. This is because they place all the emphasis on your mind and your thoughts, yet ignore all your other senses.

The reason why you’ve found it so hard to address your grief is that nobody has ever told you before now that grief is a whole-body experience, as you’ve probably experienced on the days when it feels as if every cell in your body is aching with loss.

And this means that addressing and healing your grief has to ALSO be done at a whole-body level to work effectively and to last.

The good news is that when you allow yourself to address your grief in a multi-sensory way, you CAN transition from sadness, regret, and hopelessness into a life that gives you peace, joy, and meaning, all while integrating your life with your child’s, even though they’re no longer physically with you.

Hi, I'm Jen

And I understand with deep compassion how you are feeling, because a few years ago I lost one of my four sons, Oliver, to cancer when he was 16 years old. 

I survived not only the loss of my dear son but also the loss of my husband some years later from addiction related to the loss of our son.

Confronting this loss and creating joy and meaning in my life again has been the most difficult experience of my life so far, and because of that, I truly understand the difficulties and challenges you are facing. 

When I lost Oliver, I experienced all the emotions you’re probably struggling with too – I felt sadness, grief, depression, anger, regret, and hopelessness. I felt let down and betrayed by God, the Universe, and how things are supposed to work. And in the very rare moments, I dared to look forward, I instantly felt consumed by guilt that I would be leaving Oliver behind.

And yet, as time passed, I started to experience tiny breakthroughs that made me realize I was starting to heal, whether it was getting dressed, going for a walk, being more present for my other sons, or meeting a friend for coffee.
I remember very clearly when I knew I had turned a corner with my healing – it was December and I bought a planner for the next year. Picking out a beautiful planner by an artist I love and starting to plan my year ahead was such a huge step for me.
It was the moment I gave myself permission to embrace a willingness to dream, to plan for a future that could be bright, and to accept that the sun will come out again.

As well as being certified in the Grief Recovery Method, over the last 20 years I also qualified in a number of other health and wellness modalities, including Kundalini and Vinyasa yoga, energy healing, essential oils, flower essences, art therapy, gong sound therapy, and meditation.

It wasn’t until I combined my past experiences in these other health and wellness modalities that I had my biggest ah-ha moment and breakthrough.

When I incorporated ALL of these healing practices into my grief recovery journey, I was able to follow a multi-sensory path that allowed me to move through and beyond the grief and heavy emotions more effectively.

And then when I followed the same approach with my clients over the last 3 years,

And then when I followed the same approach with my clients over the last 3 years,

They experienced a more powerful release from their traumatic experience of loss than through using counseling alone and were able to move forward into possibility, joy, and light. 

Because of my unique position of healing from the grief of losing my own son through my multi-sensory training and tools, my passion is helping Moms who have lost a child to be able to do the same.

I know only too well that the risk of not doing the healing work on yourself can be devastating...

By staying permanently stuck in grief, you can end up:
  • Turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms and behaviors that don’t support you and can have adverse consequences
  • Not being emotionally available for your other children and family members
  • Not being able to model for your children how to move through grief authentically
  • Being trapped in trauma, where it dictates your behavior and ends up controlling your life
  • Having nowhere for the love you had for your child to go
When I opened myself up to the possibility that I could have a life of joy and meaning after losing Oliver, I realized that healing myself IS the best way to honor him.

I knew I could never get my old life back...but I also discovered that I could have a new life that was good and full of possibilities.

And I want that for you too.

If you’re stuck in the feeling that you’re not allowed to have a good life because your child is gone, I want to help you understand that not only would your child want you to experience joy again, but that it’s actually in service to your child to do so.

And more importantly, there are ways to remember your child in everything that you do moving forward so that rather than leaving them behind, you’re integrating them into your new path of possibility.

It’s okay to want more.

And as you’re starting to feel ready to have a little more, it’s a healthy human response to wonder...Who am I now? What do I love? What do I want? How do I want to be in this body I’m in?

And that’s why I’ve created my new program, to help you explore and take the next steps...

The Sacred Grief Course

The 6-Step System to Find Meaning And Joy In Your Life Again In A Way That Honors Your Child

A 60-Day Transformational Course and Toolkit To Help You Let Go of Grief, Heal With Compassion, And Understand What’s Available To You For The Rest Of Your Life, So You Can Move Forward, With Your Child Still A Special Part Of You

You’ll have 6 easy-to-follow video learning modules, PLUS my proven multi-sensory tools, guides, and resources, live Q&A calls, and a private online community to support you from Day One.

The Curiosity Lab tools, resources, and exercises are designed for you to either use yourself or to share and explore with other family members too, so you can choose the journey which works best for you.

Module 01

Understanding How Grief Manifests Itself In Our Lives

When you lose a child, experience and research show that your journey through grief and trauma can be very different from how other losses are felt. In this module, we will start to explore the different ways grief and trauma can show up in your life and how you can lay the foundations for healing, without feeling overwhelmed or guilty.
At the end of this module, you’ll have a clear understanding of your own unique patterns of grief and trauma (because everyone is different, and that’s okay), and you’ll start creating your daily self-care practice.

We’ll explore:

  • How to understand the three different ways that grief shows up, so you can gently start to address each one, without anything being left unresolved.
  • An introduction to where and why grief and trauma are stored in your body (at the somatic level), and how to start moving through it, so it can be released.
  • How to start creating a nourishing self-care practice that works for you, no matter where you are in your healing journey, without feeling overwhelmed or guilty for focusing on yourself.
  • When to get more help – when you’ve lost a child the grief is often life-altering and can result in what’s called Complicated Grief, which doesn’t necessarily follow what many people experience as the ‘natural’ course of grief. This will help you understand Complicated Grief and when you might need additional support.

You’ll use the following tools:

  • The Self Evaluation Checklist – Get clear on the three different areas where grief can manifest so you can pinpoint where grief is showing up in your life
  • Your Daily Self-Care Curiosity Lab  – To help you start prioritizing self-care, this worksheet will give you ideas to try, keep you on track, and allow you to self-evaluate what works and your wins
  • A 5-Minute Chair Yoga Video – A quick and effective yoga exercise that you can use any time of the day, to help you release trauma and feel better within your body
  • When To Get Help PDF – A resource we’ll talk through so you know if or when you might need additional help, for example for addiction, suicidal thoughts, and bigger health issues.

Module 02

Feeling Into Your Senses Heals: Addressing Grief On The Somatic Level Through Ypou Senses

As you start to self-evaluate how grief is showing up for you in your body, I want to reassure you that what you find you’re experiencing is a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. There is no ‘right or wrong’ way to experience grief.
In this module, I’ll be giving you a range of helpful self-care activities to try that you can do every day, without taking up a lot of your time. At the end of this module, you’ll have had fun experimenting with what works for you, so you can build an effective daily-self care practice that helps you address your grief in a healthy, healing way.

We’ll explore:

  • How to recognize where grief and trauma are stuck in your body, with examples to assess yourself against.
  • Why your body’s reactions are normal reactions to an abnormal situation and learning to listen to your body.
  • What helps move grief – An overview of the different self-care actions to help all your senses, including smell, taste, movement, sound, and touch.

You’ll use the following tools:

  • Your Daily Self-Care Curiosity Lab  - A resource guide of our go-to self-care practices for each of your senses
  • Daily Self-Care Practice – To help you build on your self-care activities and note your favorite self-care activities from this module
  • A Gong Recording - To help calm and reset your nervous system and get into a meditative state
  • A Gong Recording - To help calm and reset your nervous system and get into a meditative state

Module 03

Creativity Heals:Addressing Grief Through Thoughts and Feelings

Even if you don’t consider yourself to be creative, everyone has an innate ability to create. Art and craft activities open up a whole new avenue of expressing yourself and sharing your story in a way that feels creative for you, and art therapy for trauma is well recognized by experts as an important part of addressing grief.
At the end of this module, you’ll understand which art and craft activities help you the most.

We’ll explore:

  • What creativity really is, and why even if you don’t think of yourself as creative, you can still easily tap into the restorative powers of creating to express your feelings through art.
  • Expressing grief and joy through storytelling – How to tell your story in a way that feels right for you, and how to make storytelling an important part of your sacred journey.
  • An art demonstration – How to incorporate art, collage, storytelling, and journaling into your creative journey, in just 15 minutes a day, so it feels like fun and helps you heal at the somatic level.

You’ll use the following tools:

  • A Live Joy Lab on Memory Processing Practice – We’ll have a group session online where you bring a photobook or pictures of your child to help process your grief in a supportive setting with people who understand what you’re going through
  • The 15-Minute Creativity Curiosity Lab – Suggestions for healing creativity to enjoy, including journaling prompts, art activities, mind-mapping, coloring, yarn work, and sewing, so you can choose the activity that most resonates with you 
  • Daily Self-Care Practice – To help you build on your self-care activities and note your favorite self-care activities from this module
  • Grief Storytelling Resources  – A resources guide of podcasts and blogs to help you tell your story in the way that feels right for you

Module 04

Understanding Heals: Addressing Grief At The Self Level

When we tap into our relationship with a higher power, whatever that means for you, we realize that somehow we are OK. We were whole people before we had the child we lost, and while the loss and grief you’re experiencing is a part of your journey, it’s not the whole of your journey.
In this module, you’ll explore how to reconnect to that essential part of you that I believe is eternal, and how to heal through surrender. You’ll also introduce healing interventions to stop you from falling into the negative spiral of damaging “should have” thoughts, and become your own loving friend instead.

We’ll explore:

  • Remembering who you really are, reconnecting to your essential self, and how to feel good about that person.
  • Why being yourself and feeling happy is what your child would want, and how to start putting that into motion.
  • Your relationship to the higher power in a way that is meaningful to you.
  • Understanding yourself – How to learn who you are and how you respond to grief and stress so you know what to expect and can choose better ways to respond.
  • How to get out unnecessary suffering and become your own loving friend – Recognizing the thoughts that can lead you down the rabbit hole of negativity, self-blame, and unhelpful beliefs, and how to see them for what they really are and let go of them with love.

You’ll use the following tools:

  • The Self Resources Curiosity Lab – Enneagram and Myers Briggs personality tests to uncover your personality traits and help you respond more compassionately to your stress and grief
  • Daily Self-Care Practice: The Rabbit Hole Thought-Stopper Process With Healing Interventions – To help you notice the thought, understand whether it’s helping or hindering, stop the negative spiral, and use a healing intervention (such as mantra, prayer, and om)
  • Daily Self-Care Practice: Meditation Resources – A Guided Visualization to help you process grief through surrender, and a Gong Recording to help you take the negative energy from your body and surrender it to the source
  • Daily Self-Care Practice: Meditation Resources – A Guided Visualization to help you process grief through surrender, and a Gong Recording to help you take the negative energy from your body and surrender it to the source

Module 06

Meaning Heals: Addressing Grief Through The Search of Meaning

A key part of addressing your grief is to find meaning in what has happened, so you can start to create a legacy in honor of your child. Yet all too often this process can leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed that what you’re doing isn’t enough.
In this module, we will look at all the different ways you can find meaning and create a legacy, both small and large, so you can find contentment and joy at the level that feels right for you, without putting yourself under unnecessary pressure.

We’ll explore:

  • Honoring your child – What legacy means for you and how to treasure the memories of your child in a way that feels meaningful.
  • Why however you choose to honor your child is enough, whether it’s small or large, and how to do this without creating undue pressure on yourself.
  • How to mindfully look for and intentionally create meaning through small day-to-day activities, in a way that feels right for where you are in your timeline. 
  • Beyond the five stages of grief – Why finding meaning matters and how to do it in a way that helps you transform grief into a more peaceful and hopeful experience.

You’ll use the following tools:

  • The Finding Meaning Curiosity Lab – Idea for activities small and large to find meaning and create a legacy in honor of your child, including journaling, art, food, mindfulness, and donations
  • Daily Self-Care Practice: Honoring Your Child – Reframing the small steps as honoring your child, and choosing to acknowledge your child in a small way every day and feeling 100% good about it

Module 06

Integrating The Loss Into Your Life

Even though you know you can never return to your old life, that doesn’t mean you can’t integrate the loss of your child into your life in a way that allows you to look forward, and this is where you’ll start that process. We’ll take a deep dive into what gets you excited, what you’re looking forward to, and how you can let go of guilt and visualize a life with joy in the best way that honors your child and what you have been through.
At the end of this module, you’ll have a clearer route to rebuilding your life, and how to consciously create your future reality so it gives you joy, freedom, and meaning.

We’ll explore:

  • Creating your future reality and why living well is honoring your child.
  • Understanding why creating a roadmap and small goals is not about ‘keeping up appearances’ but to support you to feel better each day because you deserve to live.
  • How to create a roadmap for your future so you can let go of guilt and make plans that bring joy to your life, with mini goals for 3 months, 6 months, and a year.
  • Reviewing your menu of self-care practices to see which ones you want to choose to continue, plus how to shift your choices based on what makes you feel good at different stages of your journey.
  • How to move forward on both sides of the veil.

You’ll use the following tools:

  • A Guided Visualization Exercise – To help you connect with your future self and feel more peace about living on after losing your child
  • Roadmap And Mini-Goals Creation – An exercise to set mini-goals for yourself so you feel good about them, no matter how small they are
  • Daily Self-Care Practice: Recognizing What You Need And Evolving Your Menu – Creating your menu of favorite self-care practices, so you can choose what resonates best at any given time, and evolve your menu as your needs change, incorporating mindfulness, creativity, and movement
  • Self Evaluation – An exercise to recognize and celebrate how far you have come on your Sacred Grief journey (is this correct? There was no info on this)
  • Daily Self-Care Practice: Recognizing What You Need And Evolving Your Menu – Creating your menu of favorite self-care practices, so you can choose what resonates best at any given time, and evolve your menu as your needs change, incorporating mindfulness, creativity, and movement
  • Self Evaluation – An exercise to recognize and celebrate how far you have come on your Sacred Grief journey 

When you join Option One: The Sacred Grief Course, you get these BONUSES:

Bonus #1

The Sacred Circle Online Community 

Access to our members-only private Facebook Group where you can ask questions, share your progress, get feedback and advice with direct access to me, and feel supported in a community of people who understand what you’re going through.

Bonus #2

Grief Support Group Calls

To help you integrate the content and consolidate what you’re learning, and 3x Joy Lab Group Coaching Calls to use your creativity as a launchpad to help you process. (Plus all calls give you a supportive setting to get your questions answered, get unstuck if you hit roadblocks, and maintain your momentum through the program.)

Bonus #3

Reorganizing the Space 

A guide to help you decide when it’s time to start letting go of the material reminders of your child and how to reorganize the physical space to incorporate your loss in a way that feels congruent with your journey.

Bonus #4

Bonus #4

Spiritual Views of Death

An exploration of different cultural spiritual traditions and how they look at death.

When you join Option Two: Thriving Through Grief Signature System, you get these BONUSES:

Everything in Option One PLUS:

Bonus #5

A 1:1 Customized Yoga Meditation Practice

Created just for you, this yoga meditation practice will help you move grief and trauma from your body, get centered and calm, and gently heal through surrender.

Bonus #6

A 1:1 Self-Discovery Session of Numerology or Enneagram

Understand yourself better, so you can create self-care practices and choose behaviors which are most in tune with you and your situation.

Bonus #7

Bonus #7

Two Private Coaching Sessions

Designed specifically to give you personalized support, you can use these coaching sessions in any way which most nourishes you on your journey through grief toward joy.

That’s a lot of value - Need a recap?

Here’s everything that’s included in The Sacred Grief Course
You’ll have 6 video teaching modules, plus all my tools, guides, and resources, including...
  • The Self Evaluation Checklist
  • Your Daily Self-Care Curiosity Lab
  • A 5-Minute Chair Yoga Video
  • When To Get Help Resource
  • Your Daily Self-Care Curiosity Lab For All Your Senses
  • Daily Self-Care Practice For All Your Senses
  • A Gong Recording To Calm and Reset Your Nervous System and Get Into A Meditative State
  • A Live Joy Lab on Memory Processing Practice
  • The 15-Minute Creativity Curiosity Lab
  • Daily Self-Care Practice With Creativity
  • Grief Storytelling Resources
  • The Self Resources Curiosity Lab Enneagram and Myers Briggs Personality Tests
  • Daily Self-Care Practice: The Rabbit Hole Thought-Stopper Process With Healing Interventions
  • Daily Self-Care Practice: Meditation Resources
  • The Finding Meaning Curiosity Lab
  • Daily Self-Care Practice: Honoring Your Child
  • A Guided Visualization Exercise To Help You Connect With Your Future Self
  • Roadmap And Mini-Goals Creation
  • Daily Self-Care Practice: Recognizing What You Need And Evolving Your Menu
  • Self Evaluation To Recognize and Celebrate How Far You Have Come On Your Sacred Grief Journey

When you join Option One: The Sacred Grief Course, you get these BONUSES:

Bonus #1

The Sacred Circle Online Community 

Access to our members-only private Facebook Group where you can ask questions, share your progress, get feedback and advice with direct access to me, and feel supported in a community of people who understand what you’re going through.

Bonus #2

Grief Support Group Calls

To help you integrate the content and consolidate what you’re learning, and 3x Joy Lab Group Coaching Calls to use your creativity as a launchpad to help you process. (Plus all calls give you a supportive setting to get your questions answered, get unstuck if you hit roadblocks, and maintain your momentum 
through the program.)

Bonus #3

Reorganizing the Space

A guide to help you decide when it’s time to start letting go of the material reminders of your child and how to reorganize the physical space to incorporate your loss in a way that feels congruent with your journey.

Bonus #4

Spiritual Views of Death

An exploration of different cultural spiritual traditions and how they look at death.

When you join Option Two: Thriving Through Grief Signature System, you get these BONUSES:

Everything in Option One PLUS:

Bonus #5

A 1:1 Customized Yoga Meditation Practice

Created just for you, this yoga meditation practice will help you move grief and trauma from your body, get centered and calm, and gently heal through surrender

Bonus #6

A 1:1 Self-Discovery Session of Numerology 
or Enneagram

Understand yourself better, so you can create self-care practices and choose behaviors which are most in tune with you and your situation

Bonus #7

Two Private Coaching Sessions

Designed specifically to give you personalized support, you can use these coaching sessions in any way which most nourishes you on your journey through grief toward joy

Are you ready to find meaning and joy in your life again? 

I invite you to start to let go of grief, heal with compassion, and understand what’s available to you for the rest of your life, so you can move forward in a way that honors your child...
Your transformation experience starts immediately. Once you click the “Join Now” button below, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout. When you register, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration. Your email will include instructions on how to access your learning portal. If you have any questions along the way, our team is here to help you get access to the content and ensure you get the most out of the program.

The Sacred Grief Course

Thriving Through Grief
Signature System

The Sacred Grief Course

  • 6 Modules of course content
  • All the tools, worksheets, guides, and resources
  • Bonus #1: The Sacred Circle Online Community, our members-only private Facebook Group (forever access)
  • Bonus #2: 3x Grief Support Group Calls and 3x Joy Lab Group Coaching Calls
  • Bonus #3: Reorganizing the Space Guide
  • Bonus #4: Spiritual Views of Death


Thriving Through Grief
Signature System

  • 6 Modules of course content
  • All the tools, worksheets, guides, and resources
  • Bonus #1: The Sacred Circle Online Community, our members-only private Facebook Group (forever access)
  • Bonus #2: 3x Grief Support Group Calls and 3x Joy Lab Group Coaching Calls
  • Bonus #3: Reorganizing the Space Guide
  • Bonus #4: Spiritual Views of Death
  • Bonus #5: A One-to-One Customized Yoga Meditation Practice
  • Bonus #6: A One-to-One Self-Discovery Session of Numerology or Enneagram
  • Bonus #7: Private Coaching Sessions x2 for personalized support.


  • 6 Modules of course content
  • All the tools, worksheets, guides, and resources
  • Bonus #1: The Sacred Circle Online Community, our members-only private Facebook Group (forever access)
  • Bonus #2: Grief Support Group Calls and 3x Joy Lab Group Coaching Calls
  • Bonus #3: Reorganizing the Space Guide
  • Bonus #4: Spiritual Views of Death


  • 6 Modules of course content
  • All the tools, worksheets, guides, and resources
  • Bonus #1: The Sacred Circle Online Community, our members-only private Facebook Group (forever access)
  • Bonus #2: Grief Support Group Calls and 3x Joy Lab Group Coaching Calls
  • Bonus #3: Reorganizing the Space Guide
  • Bonus #4: Spiritual Views of Death
  • Bonus #5: A One-to-One Customized Yoga Meditation Practice
  • Bonus #6: A One-to-One Self-Discovery Session of Numerology or Enneagram
  • Bonus #7: Private Coaching Sessions x2 for personalized support.


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Backed By My 30-Day No-Risk Money-Back Guarantee

As a fellow Mom who lost a child, I’m honored to help you in your journey beyond grief into a life of joy and meaning again, and I know my multi-sensory training, tools, and support will make a big difference to you. If for any reason, you’re not completely satisfied, please reach out to me personally, and I will happily refund you 100% within the first 30 days. No questions asked. 

Frequently Asked Questions


When will I have access to the materials?


You’ll have immediate access to the Getting Start Module and Module 1, as soon as you join the program. The remaining modules will be released each week. You will have forever access to the course materials, so you can use them whenever you like, now or in the future.


How much time should I set aside per week?


You can go through the modules at your own pace, but you should expect to set aside 2-3 hours per week to complete each module.


How do I ask questions or get feedback during the program?


You can submit your questions for our Live Q&A Calls via email to


What if I’m not available for the Q&A calls? Can I get recordings?


Yes, we will send you a link to the call recording so that you can listen at your convenience. If you’ve sent in a question for the Q&A call, we will answer your question, even if you can’t attend the live session.


How long is the program?


The program is 6 modules and lasts for 60 days.

Question About Next Steps?

You can reach out to our team directly by clicking the button below

You Deserve To Live A Life Of Meaning And Joy Again...

Because I’ve been where you are, I understand how scary it can feel to acknowledge that you want to find happiness again, let alone take the steps to start on that journey.

And I also know from my own deep work and through helping my clients that healing yourself and having a life with meaning and joy in it IS the best way to honor your child, and it’s what they would want for you.

One of the ways I’ve created a legacy to my son is that I’m very passionate about helping other Moms who have lost a child.

I don’t want you to carry on bearing the heavy burden of grief alone, or to struggle with wanting to move forward but not knowing how.

When you choose to say YES to your Sacred Grief journey, I’m giving you all the wisdom, tools, and support you need to get unstuck and move forward in love.

I’ve distilled everything I know from over 20 years of holistic body and mind wellbeing, from addressing the grief of losing my son and then my husband, and from helping clients to move forward from the grief of losing a child...and put it all in this Sacred Grief Course, so you can move forward too.  

Your transformational journey starts immediately. As soon as you click the “Join Now” button below, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout:
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